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Дата 06 грудня 2021

Кабінет 19

Тривалість уроку - 40 хвилин

Тема: Ти любиш модно одягатись?


-         Можуть розуміти прості фрази для опису одягу

-         Можуть визначати людей на картинці по короткому простому опису їх одягу

-         Можуть відповідати на прості запитання про одяг, використовуючи фразу have got

-         Можуть описувати одяг людей, використовуючи прості фрази

Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нових знань

Date – 3 March
Room 27
Lesson Duration - 40 minutes
Level - Elementary
Topic: Free Time
Ø     To use previously learnt words in written and oral communication.
Ø     To improve reading, writing and listening skills.
Ø     To develop speaking skills.
Ø     To develop logic.
Ø     To develop the ability to work in groups and help each other.
Ø     To encourage learning of English.

Timetable Fit: fixation of knowledge and of developing skills and abilities.
Assumptions: students will be interested in the topic.
Anticipated Problems and their Solutions: students will have difficulties with understanding the recording. I'll try to make more pauses.
Aids: worksheets with tasks, IWB, board, flashcards, video recording.

Date – 23 October
Room 27
Lesson Duration - 40 minutes
Level - Elementary

Topic: My Family
Ø     To use previously learnt words in written and oral communication.
Ø     To improve reading, writing and listening skills.
Ø     To develop speaking skills.
Ø     To develop logic.
Ø     To develop the ability to work in groups and help each other.
Ø     To encourage learning of English.

Timetable Fit: fixation of knowledge and of developing skills and abilities.
Assumptions: students will be interested in the topic.
Anticipated Problems and their Solutions: students will have difficulties with understanding the video. I'll try to make more pauses.

Aids: worksheets with tasks, IWB, board, flashcards, video recording.

Date – March 11
Location of Workshop – Room 24
Time and Length of Workshop - 40 minutes
Level of Class - Elementary

Topic: A Birthday Party
    Main aim:
Ø     To develop students’ ability to talk about past events using Past Simple in the context of birthday.
    Subsidiary aim:
Ø     To develop learners’ ability to listen for gist and grammatical detail.
Ø     To give practice at identifying and using regular and irregular past tense verbs.
Ø     To give practice at discussing a topic.  
Personal aim:
Ø     To create a relaxed, non-threatening atmosphere in the classroom.

Timetable Fit: fixation of knowledge and of developing skills and abilities
Assumptions: students will be interested in the topic
Anticipated Problems and their Solutions: students will have difficulties with understanding the video. I'll try to make more pauses.
Aids: worksheets with tasks, IWB, board, flashcards, video recording.